Thursday, March 22, 2012


How do you plan on parenting? For me I realize that sometimes I find that I "parent" children that I babysit or my nieces and nephews, just the way my parents raised me. Of course, like anyone, I'm going to change certain things my parents did, but in all reality I don't plan on differing much on how they parented me.
Do you plan on disciplining your kids with time out, etc.?
Do you plan on finding the time to help build their self esteem and self worth?
Do you realize you need to treat your children with the same respect you require of them?

These questions are often things you don't think about until you are actually having a child or when the problem arises with the child, we need to make these decisions now that way when we have children we can be CONSTANT. However, as I'm sure we all know, we'll need to cater to our different children in their own individual needs, but we still need to be constant in our parenting strategies.

I recently wrote a research paper that consisted of working mothers and the effects on the maturing family, and as part of the research I found that children need consistency most of all from their parents, especially their mother figure.

Plan your parenthood now, because before you know it, it will be put to the test.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Fathers play such a huge role in our families and yet they are so underappreciated, I think. My father is my idol. I don't know what I would do without his love and support in my life.
A fathers influence on his daughter is so great. So powerful, in fact, even if a father gives a reassuring smile to his daughter it can change he day dramatically. There is something about being a girl that when you know your father loves, protects, admires, respects, and wants the best for you, that makes you feel safe. Fathers make children in the family feel safe and wanted and loved in a different way then mothers. Mothers are nuturing and loving while fathers are protective and fierce in their love, a love that is a necessity, if you ask me. I love my father and know I would do anything for him becuase he does everything and more for me.


Communication is so important. It is very important that a family and more importantly a couple can come to a consensus of what a they or their family needs to do. Compromising is not the only way, couples need to work together and with and through the Lord to come to the correct conclusion to the problem or question at hand. The Lord is there for us, to counsel with us. We must always be willing and want to ask the Lord what He would have us do. As we discussed in my class, communication with each other and through the Lord amazing things can happen. Things that are so unexpected and a complete blessing can happen. We need to remember this. We can't go about life alone in making decisions let alone with two sets of opinions butting heads. So, when there is question communicate not only with each other but with the Lord.

Monday, March 5, 2012

In times of crisis...

How does your familiy cope with crisis situations? Is it different if it is external or internal. Meaning, when things happen to your family that causes uproar or contention is it harder when it has to do with the family (internal) or something like a fathers job loss (external). I've found in my family we haven't had a lot of crisis situations, my dad did recieve a big pay cut and lost all of his retirement. That was a big change and hardship on our family, but during this crisis we all came together, and took more responsibility in our spendings, even with my own money, I find I'm much more conservativie. Dealing with crisis situations can be hard, and sometimes tear families apart. We need to change that and use crisis situations to bring our families even closer together, use bad situations and use them to strengthen the family unit. I love my family even when we have internal crisis, and i'm very angry with some people, i love them and we can all forgive and forget and come closer together. That is the most important thing. We cannot let Satan win, we need to pull together during these times.