Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wedding or Marriage?

Which one is more important to you, the wedding or the marriage? I can tell you right now that the marriage is way more important that the wedding is to me, however, we know every girl looks forward to her wedding day, there is no doubt. What is more important than being sealed for time and all eternity to the person of your dreams? I've been thinking about this a lot lately, no matter how spectacular your wedding is, will it be as spectacular as an eternity of love and happiness with your eternal companion? Truthfully, the wedding is nothing compared to a healthy relationship with your spouse, not with your spouses family or with you family and the spouse. What REALLY matters is the solid relationship that you have with your spouse. The person you make covenants with. This insight this week in class has really opened up my mind to the fact that the wedding really doesn't matter. Sure, I want it to look great, but it is inevitable that something will go wrong. I'd rather have something go wrong on my wedding day than in my marriage. Create a strong bond with your spouse and rely on eachother, you two are the only ones that matter once you're married. Concentrate on the relationship, always.

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